Jul 262022

It was June 2021 when the Victus was announced and soon after that I bought it. It has been one year now and here are my thoughts on how the laptop performed.

With months passing, what would you consider would hurt your device? Elements (environment), price, expansion options, support.

Lets start with the performance. Has it dwindled? No. It still outputs great visuals. All AAA games I threw at it fared very well. I’ve played Metro Exodus, Cyberpunk 2077, NFS Heat, GTA-V, among many more and none disappointed me. The model I bought, also mentioned in an earlier blog post, was the 5800-3060 combo, and that 6 GB VRAM shines.

Before I go ahead with the update on the laptop itself, let me tell you how I used it and it may affect the idea of how the laptop aged. Firstly, the laptop was always used with an external monitor, keyboard and mouse setup. There were very few occasions otherwise. Secondly, it was used not only as a gaming machine, but also as a video/photo editing, multimedia consumption “rig”. Thirdly, the laptop was almost always placed vertically, as shown below, with wires coming out of it from all ports. I’ll expand on this setup later.

The Victus can stand
The Victus can Stand

As time progresses, the one thing which is sure to degrade is the battery. With heavy usage and always charging mode, the battery now is at 89.25%, which is a good enough situation. The battery went to zero twice; I forgot to turn the laptop off.

Changes done to the hardware are limited to just adding a 500GB NVME SSD. Basically, the laptop was a great buy, and with very minimal change in the price, I’d say it was a great buy. In 2022, the same laptop has been launched with a 165Hz screen, which is very subjective to if you use it or not.

Now to the setup part. This vertical (almost) setup hasn’t really been a problem with the device strength. There is no bend anywhere, no sign of giving in to the forces involved. I could close the laptop and place it in the same stand, which I did in the beginning, switching the laptop on always required me to open it and place it back. With the current setup, I can keep the screen open. This is where the hinge is tested, and no problems here.

I never had any need to contact customer support, partly because I maintained the laptop a bit; cleaning it every 2-3 weeks for dust and grime. Also, running applications sourced from genuine places. (Say no to piracy)

This post is a short one, just to keep you updated on how the laptop is right now. Do comment if you would like to know more.

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